There are several important SEO tactics that attorneys can use to boost the success of their law firm’s website. However, one of the most important of these is to ensure that the content of the website is consistent across all platforms. This is especially true of contact information. To do this, the firm must check all platforms for mentions of its firm and contact the owners or web masters if there is any discrepancy. Maintaining consistency will help establish trust and credibility among clients and improve search engine rankings.
The Guerrilla Agency, based in the Midwest, started out as a generalist SEO firm. However, over time, it developed expertise in law firm SEO. While some agencies may claim to specialize in one industry, real talent comes from agencies with a range of experience. For instance, The Guerrilla Agency’s unique approach to law firm SEO includes video development, high-quality ink building, and advanced E-A-T building techniques. This allows them to rank websites much faster than other traditional law firm SEO firms.
When marketing a law firm, it is crucial to have a website that is highly visible in search engines like Google. The presence of your law firm website on Google’s search results will lead to more potential clients. However, in order to become recognizable in your community, your website must also be well-optimized for the terms used by potential clients.
Another SEO strategy for attorneys is making your site mobile-friendly. Many people today use their phones to search for information and look for attorneys. By optimizing your site for mobile use, your firm will be found easily on Google’s results page. Google will show your link, title tag, and Meta description. A Meta description contains about 160 characters, so it’s vital to optimize the content of your website for mobile devices.
The next step in attorney SEO is increasing the firm’s brand authority. The higher the domain authority, the more likely it is to rank for relevant keywords in Google. A high domain authority can also help your website gain trust. Adding video to a law firm’s website will increase traffic and branding exposure. It can also increase your website’s click through rate.
Another SEO strategy for attorneys involves adding quality back-links to your website. The back-links you receive will be relevant and authoritative, which will improve your search engine rankings and generate more leads. An attorney’s website should be able to rank well in Google search results if people search for them locally. As many searchers search for lawyers on a daily basis, optimizing your website for local search will increase your visibility on search engines.
In addition to keywords, a law firm’s website should also be optimized for video. Videos are particularly beneficial in law firm SEO, as they can be optimized using Schema language, which makes them more understandable to search engines. Creating a video site with custom thumbnail images will help your firm stand out from the competition.
Another SEO tactic that attorneys can use to increase their visibility is to build practice area pages. These should be optimized with targeted keywords and have unique content that highlights the area of practice the firm practices. A landing page for a practice area should be linked to other practice area pages. The goal here is to increase the total number of keyword phrases that the website ranks in Google.
Attorney SEO is a highly competitive industry. It is estimated that 70% of new clientele for a law firm comes from organic and Google Maps search results. By building a presence on the first page of Google search results, attorneys can increase their business’ visibility. In fact, they will receive more calls from those people who are searching for attorneys on Google.
Another important SEO tactic is to write reviews. While it may seem beneficial, it is not wise to publish client information or disclose their personal information. Such information will compromise the privacy and confidentiality of clients and could harm the firm’s reputation. Also, it is important to remember that the filter for reviews is very sensitive. Publicizing a firm’s mistakes is not advisable, so it is better to discuss its professionalism and reputation. Moreover, since Google is the primary source of website traffic, reviews on Google’s platform may be weighted more heavily.